Bringing Your Kitten Home

Picking Up Your New Kitten
  • I send your kitten home with the following:
  • spay/neuter contract and health guarantee,
  • complete shot records,
  • The TICA blue slip (individual registration papers)
  • will be sent upon proof of spay/neuter
  • before 6 months of age - as per our contract.
  • Cat Carrier
  • Cat Bed
  • Food/Water Dishes
  • Food
  • Litter box, litter and scoop
  • Toys and scratching post
  • A cat tree

For the ride home

A cat carrier should be used every time your kitten/cat is riding in the car.An unrestrained cat can be a driving hazard, especially if he climbs down by the pedals, or jumps onto your shoulder. I suggest purchasing a carrier that is large enough for your kitten to use when it’s an adult.

Visiting Your Vet

Our kittens are examined twice by our vet and have two vaccinations before going to their new homes. However, we require that your vet examine the kitten within 3 business days - as per our health guarantee. Your kitten will need his last vaccination shot at around 16 weeks old or at the advice of your vet. Be sure to take the vaccination records that we provide - so that your vet has a complete record on your new kitten

Settling In At Home

Before you bring your new kitten home, put his food, water, toys, scratching post, and litter pan in a quiet room you can close off, such as a spare bedroom. It is very important to keep your new kitten away from other household pets during the quarantine time. Once your kitten has been examined by your vet you can slowly introduce them to other pets and the rest of the household. This should be done very slowly and with as little stress on the kitten as possible. You can expect that existing cats and the new kitten may hiss at each other. This should subside quickly once they get to know each other.


Your new kitten will go home with the food that the kitten has been eating since being weaned. It is very important to continue to use the same food - as a sudden diet change can cause diarrhea (which can be devastating to a young kitten). If you choose to change the brand of food when they are older, you must slowly transition 25% / 50% / 75%, etc...

Fun with your Bengal

There are a few things that I suggest to make sure your Bengal is happy.
Cat trees are a must! They incorporate the Bengal's desire to climb with the scratching posts to keep them from scratching furniture, etc... I have found that has very reasonably priced cat trees in a variety of styles and sizes.

Bengal's LOVE feather teasers!

These types of toys encourage them to leap and chase...unleashing that natural prey drive. Lasers are also fun but be careful where you are leading them as they are totally focused on that beam of light and don’t watch where they are going. A general rule of thumb for Bengal's is to make sure the toy is secure, meaning there are not any loose parts, bells, strings that can be chewed off...Bengal's are very rough on their toys and this tip could avoid a trip to the vet if something gets swallowed.

Catnip is safe for Bengal's

I have found that some LOVE it and others could care less. You will know pretty quick if you have one that loves it. Generally young kittens don’t respond as strongly as an older kitten.


There are many plants that are toxic to cats, check this web site for a complete list.
In addition to plants, there are several other hazards that should be noted...especially while your kitten is young and growing up.
  • Never let your kitten/cat outside without a leash
  • Use extreme caution with reclining furniture
  • Always check appliances before operating them
  • Cats love warm laundry - check your dryer
  • Protect electrical cords from chewing
  • Sever or tie up vertical blind cords
  • Avoid tinsel or other dangerous decorations
  • Supervise when burning candles